History | |
發展沿革 |
1983-02 創立於台北縣(現新北市),生產有機微量元素系列產品。
Founded in Taipei County, Taiwan for production of organic minerals.
1996-06 綜合有機礦物質(礦元)開發成功上市。
Comwell marketed, a complete premix of organic minerals.
2007-03 功能性胺基酸蛋白(百福德、百福美)魚粉取代物開發成功上市。
2007-11 遷至雲林縣斗六市新廠,擴大營業。
Moved in the new office and manufacturing plant in Douliu, Yunlin County.
2007-12 通過ISO 9001:2000及HACCP:2003。
Certificate of ISO 9001:200 and HACCP:2003 granted.
2008-06 有機酸(佳味酸)開發成功上市。
MoreAcid marked, a mixture of organic acids for intestinal health and digestion.
2009-02 ISO9001順利轉換為2008年最新版本
2009-03 獲得經濟部工業局「傳統產業技術開發計畫」補助(以植物蛋白做為功能性胜蛋白產品之開發-尚讚益菌蛋白)。
2009-07 豬隻濃縮精料(核心料)開發成功上市。
A series of concentrate feeds for post-weaning and growing-finishing pigs and sows were launched for marketing.
2010-03 尚讚益菌蛋白開發成功上市。
2010-07 獲得經濟部工業局「傳統產業技術開發計畫」補助(甲硫胺酸鉻生產技術提升與產品開發-佳健美)。
2011-03 參加VIV Bangkok展覽。
2011-05 與美國阿肯色大學及PVG公司簽訂技術轉移合作計畫。
An agreement of technology transfer was signed with University of Arkansas and Pacific Vet. Group, USA.
2011-07 液劑產品線上線。
A production line for liquid product was established.
2011-08 益腸寶(仔豬保護劑)開發成功上市。
Intestinepro marketed, a mixture of Bacillus, butyric acid and herbal extract, for intestinal protection and digestion.
2011-09 參加中央畜產會舉辦家禽保健及防疫研討會。
2012-11 舉辦與嘉同慶系列活動-家禽健康與免疫研討會。
2013-01 獲得農委會「農業業界專科計畫」補助(功效穩定劑型維生素開發應用)。
2013-05 益維寶(液劑維生素與胺基酸)開發成功上市。
MoreVita, liquid vitamins and amino acids for rapid metabolism and growth, was launched for marketing.
2013-06 牛隻產品開發成功上市。
Premix for dairy cattle launched.
2014-08 獲得經濟部研發處「小型企業創新研發計畫」補助(貿立實業業務推廣與客戶創新服務模式) 。
2014-12 舉辦新優質蛋白原料與天然物保健營養研討會。
2015-05 獲得農委會「科技農企業多元創新提案計畫」補助(創新品牌價值提昇開發應用) 。
2016-10 酚多精,可促進仔豬免疫、抑制發炎
MoreHerb, a mixture of essential oils for optimum of intestinal microbes.
2017-03 參加VIV Asia 2017
First attendance of VIV Asia with Comwell, Goodfite, MoreHerb, and MoreVita.
2019-03 參加VIV Asia 2019
Second attendance of VIV Asia with Comwell, Goodfite, MoreHerb S, MoreSpore, MoreVita, and MoreMeta.
2019-04 貿速寶上市,為枯草桿菌益生菌,可促進腸道健康與消化。
MoreSpore marketed, a Bacillus probiotics for intestinal health and digestion.
2020-08 球易清上市,為精油產品,用以控制雞隻球蟲症。
CocciSafe, a mixture of essential oils for prevention of poultry coccidiosis, was launched for marketing.
2020-11 通過FAMI-QS認證。
Certificate of FAMI-QS granted.
2020-12 立克解上市,為精油產品,用以降低雞隻發炎與高燒
CureFlu marketed, a mixture e of essential oils for mitigating poultry inflammation and high fever.
2021-11 參加台灣畜牧產業展2021
Fifth attendance of Livestock EXPO Taiwan, 2021 with CocciSafe, CureFlu, MoreHerbs, and MoreSpore.